I’ve spent most of September in schools around the south coast. The students are buzzing with conversation about what they have been up to over the summer, comparing hairdos, shoes and conquests. They are excited and eager to tell each other about themselves.
What happens to us as we grow older? Something prevents us from being our own favourite subject. Life takes over and the world no longer revolves around us.
True, life will also catch up with these youngsters and they will realise that there are other things in life that become important too, but surely they should be encouraged to hold on to the importance of being the best person they can be. Think about it. Praise, attention, constructive feedback and guidance will enable them to make wise choices in the long run.
What happened to us? We were them once upon a time. Now, we’ve gotten older, less enthusiastic, wider perhaps, fatigued maybe. When was the last time we truly liked the things that greet us in the mirror each morning? When we make ourselves less important, put ourselves at the bottom of the list, we lose our zest for life, we give up our identity and blend into the humdrum.
Find yourself again. Get back to the top of the list. The more you appreciate yourself the more of yourself you’ll be able to give to others. Live your life on purpose and reanimate your world.
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