Youth Impact Partners – OVP Coaching and GYI

OVP Coaching Partners with Global Youth Initiative and schools around the UK

Our very own Olive Pellington, certified John Maxwell Team member will be hosting Global Youth Initiative – GYI events across the UK. You and your organisation could become part of a global initiative that has impacted over 465,000 young people, in over 2000 sites in 52 countries around the world in it’s first year!

The Global Youth Initiative – GYI only happens twice a year in April and October. So if you have a passion for working with young people and assisting them to reach their potential you need to get on board. Talk to us about hosting an event near you. Better yet, if you are connected to a school or youth organisation we’ll come to you.

The Global Youth Initiative – GYI is a great way to get involved and show young students how to Stand Up and Be Counted. No matter where you are in the world you cannot deny that bullying goes on and affects millions of children and adults. If we can make a difference, if we can teach the younger generation that there is a better way, there will be a better tomorrow.

We have many examples in history of people and nations who overcame their struggles. The younger generation are crying out for help today for many different reasons. We have seen in just the first few months on 2018 just how frustrated they really are. Will you be there to answer the call?


To find out how you can be part of the Global Youth Initiative – GYI watch this short video by John Maxwell and if you would like to host an event here in the UK contact OVP Coaching. You can email us at or call 07847 281 759

Click the button below to discuss how you can be part of something great and make a great impact on young people and help shape the future of the next generation.



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