I am often asked, how much revision is enough. The obvious answer; some is better than none. However, there is no magic number of hours or perfect answer to this question. Every child is different. They learn at different rates and so the amount of revision will also differ. It is true that having an interest will make it easier to learn…
Tag: teen stress

Dinner with the Family
No matter your definition of family, there is something to be said about sitting down and having a meal together. When was the last time you and your family did this?

What If?
What if… is a great way to start a question. It requires a fuller more detailed answer than a closed question. It calls upon the responder to be creative and forward thinking. I love using What if… questions on myself and my students, especially when making difficult decisions and in times of confusion and stress. In my new book The…

The Path To… Series Coming Soon!
You’ve probably been thinking OVP Coaching Education has been a little quiet of late. You’re so right. That’s because we have been working on something very special. Our Education expert and certified coach Olive Pellington will soon be releasing her new book series The Path To…

Youth Impact Partners – OVP Coaching and GYI
OVP Coaching Partners with Global Youth Initiative and schools around the UK

Volunteers Wanted!
ATTENTION! OVP Coaching is looking for volunteers. That’s right, we are looking for volunteers to participate in a social study and contribute to a report that will become part of our upcoming book in the series ‘You and Your Child the Path to…’ This new book is all about improving family relationships, responsibilities and aspirations. If qualified, you and your family…

7 Signs of Stress
Yes, you guessed it. It’s that time again. Students of all ages are getting ready for more tests and exams. You may be finding it hard to cope with your own stressful daily activities without having the stresses of your child piling up on top of yours. So, how can you decrease stress without adding to your day?

Are Mental Health Issues on the Increase?
Is the health and well being of youngsters an important issue? Princess Kate Middleton seems to think so.

‘I am so happy and grateful that I am able to forgive those who have hurt me in any way’ Does this sound strange to you? Well, gratitude and forgiveness are the two key ingredients for a healthy mind, body and soul. What are you grateful for? Are you able to forgive?

Alcohol, Teens and the Brain
‘A child’s first taste of alcohol usually comes from a family member’ states a government report.