To be a leader you must have followers. However, leadership comes with many responsibilities and has many guises. You may see your work superiors as leaders. They may be Directors, CEOs or Senior Management. You may regard those in community service as leaders such as Doctors, Professors, Nurses and Officers. When you think about it, all of these examples are…
Tag: relationships

Some People Come into Our Lives for a Lifetime
Not all relationships are meant to last a lifetime but those that do are important. How do they influence our decision making?

Some People Come into our Lives for a Reason
Have you ever notices how some people come into our lives for a reason?

Are you ready for life’s lessons?
Sometimes it can feel like life is tearing you apart but what if those times were preparing you for a new life experience. The things we go through can bring us valuable lessons and new meaning if we are ready to learn.

The New You
Congratulations and well done for sticking with the series. You have at least one achievable successful goal. Now it’s time for action. It’s time to GROW into the new you.

Moving Forward
Can you believe we are already over a week into the new year? Most people have already given up on their resolutions. In fact statistics show that January 10th is as far as the majority will get. So, if you are still with us on this journey, congratulations. You are prepared to find the answer to the question others did…

Who are you talking to?
Talking to yourself is not a bad thing. We all have conversations going on in our heads all the time but the vocabulary used in these conversations should be kept in check. If you were to speak to others as you speak to yourself, would they appreciate the words you use? If someone spoke to you the way you speak…

What would Christmas be without Stuffing?
It is tradition to stuff the Christmas bird with a breadcrumb and herb mixture. This mixture soaks up the flavour during roasting. Nowadays, many families prefer to roll the mixture into small balls and bake as a complimentary side dish.