Organised chaos or showroom tidy?

How organised are you? Whether you’re a 9-5er or 24 hour entrepreneur there’s a small area of your home that you consider an office. A place where you open and in very lose terms ‘file’ your bills. Whatever surface you choose to use, have a think about how you left it this morning. Would you describe it organized chaos or showroom tidy?

I have noticed that it’s much easier and less stressful to have a tidy environment where you can get your hands on things straight away. My office is by no means spotless but I don’t need to spend unnecessary energy rooting through piles of paper while repeatedly saying ‘I know it’s here somewhere’

Working in organised chaos is a short term fix but over long periods can become overwhelming and stressful.

Your office space is like your mind; when it’s too cluttered you can’t think clearly.

In my new book The Path To Learning you’ll find plenty of hints and tips to help you and your child create a work/study environment that maximizes your work potential. Just think how efficient things could be if you de-cluttered. Creating a dynamic work space will allows you to get more done.

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