What is the difference between a leader and a manager? Our unique strengths must be recognised as an important piece of the bigger picture
Tag: success management

The New You
Congratulations and well done for sticking with the series. You have at least one achievable successful goal. Now it’s time for action. It’s time to GROW into the new you.

Breakthrough Barriers
We have all experienced setbacks, especially when trying to keep our resolutions. So, how can we breakthrough these barriers?

Are You Being Realistic?
By now you should have a long list of all the things you want to achieve. Were you able to complete this in one go? Or did you add to it day by day?

2019 Resolutions or Goals?
The New Year has arrived. We’ve spent time with friends and family reflecting on the events of the past twelve months; some good, some not so good and others forgotten or added to the hall of unforgettable moments. Most of us will then have made a promise in front of others as our witness. We make a New Year resolution. However, we…

Who are you talking to?
Talking to yourself is not a bad thing. We all have conversations going on in our heads all the time but the vocabulary used in these conversations should be kept in check. If you were to speak to others as you speak to yourself, would they appreciate the words you use? If someone spoke to you the way you speak…

Plan for Success
Fail to plan and plan to fail is how the saying goes and it’s true. When you know something important is coming up and you don’t plan for it, you’ll usually find yourself in a flap when the time comes.

Organised chaos or showroom tidy?
How organised are you? Whether you’re a 9-5er or 24 hour entrepreneur there’s a small area of your home that you consider an office. A place where you open and in very lose terms ‘file’ your bills. Whatever surface you choose to use, have a think about how you left it this morning. Would you describe it organized chaos or…

What is success?
We all dream of success but how many of us really achieve it? A lot of people confuse the word dream with vision. You may have heard people say things like, “I’ve always dreamed of going to…” or “I just met the man/woman of my dreams…” That’s all well and good but those are often one off, fairy tale incidences. Dreams happen…

The Path To… Series Coming Soon!
You’ve probably been thinking OVP Coaching Education has been a little quiet of late. You’re so right. That’s because we have been working on something very special. Our Education expert and certified coach Olive Pellington will soon be releasing her new book series The Path To…