7 Stress Relievers

With so much going on in life, you may feel that there is no way you can make time for yourself to relieve the stress you are under. The fact is, no matter how old we are, we do not have to accept the affects of stress as part of our everyday lives; they can be avoided and averted very easily.

Here’s the good news. We have found seven ways for you to reduce your stress without having to worry about where to get the extra time is coming from.

7 stress relievers

  1. Prioritise your tasks – don’t try to do everything at once. Completing your To-Do list in one go will lead to less than acceptable results and burn out. Speak to one of our consultants today and find out more about how you can prioritise your tasks. To book your consultation click here.
  2. Take an extra five minutes in the bath or shower – it’s true just taking a few extra minutes in warm water will decrease your stress. Some like to call it a liquid hug. The sensation of warm water stimulates responses in the body very similar to those provided by physical and emotional warmth.
  3. Feeling good smells good – Adding soothing essential oils to your routine will increase your level of relaxation. We recommend Youngevity Lavender oil, Be At Peace™, Comfort Touch™ or why not get a variety of sensations in their 8 essential oil blends kit
  4. Relax your muscles before bed – massage, meditation and yoga will definitely help with that. These practices do not have to take hours. Try guided meditation or yoga breathing exercises to help you unwind. Using essential oils along with your favourite moisturisers will promote deeper relaxation in the muscles and clear your mind.
  5. Meet friends in person – while texts, Facebook, tweets and other social media apps keep us informed of what’s going on, they take away the human connection we all need. Being in a physical location with a friend or loved one will relieve stress. Laughter pumps endorphins into the body. This is enhanced when in the company of those you love.
  6. Treat yourself – most will turn to food for this one. Be careful. Some foods can and will increase stress. However, for all you chocoholics out there, there are some forms of chocolate that are good for you. Try Youngevity’s Triple Treat or Beyond Hot Chocolate. Both of these chocolate goodies contain antioxidant rich cocoa and other ingredients which help boosts the immune system, relax the blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure.
  7. Drink more fluids – flushing toxins from the body will definitely relieve stress. There are several blends at your local supermarket but, we recommend using real herbal teas. So, either pick your own home grown leaves and make your own tinctures or, go to Simpson & Vail and choose the best blends for your needs. Their new Literary Tea Collection has had great press and personal reviews.

So, there you have it; six simple ways to reduce stress without having to make major changes to your schedule. Everyone can and should be able to live a stress free and productive life. All it takes is a few adjustments and even fewer excuses.

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Relieve Stress

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