It is tradition to stuff the Christmas bird with a breadcrumb and herb mixture. This mixture soaks up the flavour during roasting. Nowadays, many families prefer to roll the mixture into small balls and bake as a complimentary side dish.
No matter how you like your stuffing you’ll appreciate the phrase “I’m stuffed”. This literally means your cavity is full to the brim.
While your stuffing yourself full of Christmas delights, give a thought to what you are stuffing your mind full of over the holidays. In my new book The Path To Enthusiasm I explain how thoughts become things and how you can create a more positive environment. Some people find it hard to be joyful during the holiday season especially when they focus on their problems.
Are you thinking of the enjoyment of being around your loved ones? or are you thinking of the expense the holidays are adding to your debt. Are you thinking of the impact you have made in the lives of others or are you thinking about the stress of work.
This Christmas why not stuff you mind full of positive wonder that you can make a reality. Get your copy of The Path To Enthusiasm.