I am often asked, how much revision is enough. The obvious answer; some is better than none. However, there is no magic number of hours or perfect answer to this question. Every child is different. They learn at different rates and so the amount of revision will also differ. It is true that having an interest will make it easier to learn…
Tag: time management

Breakthrough Barriers
We have all experienced setbacks, especially when trying to keep our resolutions. So, how can we breakthrough these barriers?

The Path To… Series Coming Soon!
You’ve probably been thinking OVP Coaching Education has been a little quiet of late. You’re so right. That’s because we have been working on something very special. Our Education expert and certified coach Olive Pellington will soon be releasing her new book series The Path To…

Volunteers Wanted!
ATTENTION! OVP Coaching is looking for volunteers. That’s right, we are looking for volunteers to participate in a social study and contribute to a report that will become part of our upcoming book in the series ‘You and Your Child the Path to…’ This new book is all about improving family relationships, responsibilities and aspirations. If qualified, you and your family…

Increase Your Daily Performance With These 7 Simple Daily Habits
We are all different. Some of us are more productive in the morning and some prefer to work through the evening hours. There are those who wakeup at crazy o’clock to attend breakfast networking events and those who find themselves making new acquaintances over a glass of wine at an evening business event. The way we work becomes habit and…

You and Your Child the Path to Success
Lasting change is achieved when you are prepared to take the necessary steps to make things happen in your life.

What Wakes You Up at 2 in the Morning?
Ever had one of those nights where you have fallen asleep only to be woken up by a thought that has been rolling around in your mind and no matter how hard you try you just can’t get back to sleep? What were you thinking about? Was it money, time or health? Chances are it was probably all three but…

Turning Dreams into Reality
This is the story of an incredible student. This student really inspires us to do more with our lives.

Top 10 study tips
By now your child has probably tucked themselves away in their room studying hard for the exams. Most will be locked away with books and revision guides, struggling to stay awake through the boredom. Here are ten ways to keep them going.