ATTENTION! OVP Coaching is looking for volunteers. That’s right, we are looking for volunteers to participate in a social study and contribute to a report that will become part of our upcoming book in the series ‘You and Your Child the Path to…’ This new book is all about improving family relationships, responsibilities and aspirations. If qualified, you and your family…
Tag: love

‘I am so happy and grateful that I am able to forgive those who have hurt me in any way’ Does this sound strange to you? Well, gratitude and forgiveness are the two key ingredients for a healthy mind, body and soul. What are you grateful for? Are you able to forgive?

I Love You
‘I love you‘ …three little words that when uttered warm the deepest part of the soul. When directed at you from one whom you share this emotion, these words can make the world around you disappear, leaving you and your partner in total bliss. But, how does it feel when you are hoping for someone to say these words and they…

What colour is your mood?
Have you thought about the mood you’re in? No matter what we are doing our mood plays a huge part in our reactions and decision making. So, what is a mood? The general dictionary definition is ‘a temporary state of mind or feeling’ So if it is temporary and a state of mind we can change it when we want…

10 Top Tips To Get Your Kids Eating Healthy
As a parent, you try your best to make sure your kids are getting their 5-a-day, but how can you be sure they are eating the right foods when you’re not around?

The Relationship between Time & Money
Since the dawn of the industrial age people have put a monetary value on their time. Time is a commodity that we have been given for free and yet trade away so cheaply. Don’t agree with me? Then let’s look at this a little more closely.

Happy Easter
Easter is a time to rejoice and be thankful. Gather the family, spend time reflecting on the the things you are grateful for, all the good that has come from adversity and all the people who have been a positive influence in your life. May your hearts be filled with peace, joy and good cheer.

Heart Broken
There is an old philosophical question that asks ‘If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?’ It is a wonderfully profound question. I’d like to ask an equally insightful question ‘If a heart breaks will you be aware of it?’